Make it stand out.
Wilson’s Photography all around the world.
Photograph Your Space & Mark and Anna are brands created by me and my husband. Our work has been published in:
Magazines like Forbes, Zwierciadło,
Many travel magazines like Travel Pulse , Travel Weekly and many more…
The biggest Travel publisher Lonely Planet, and travel agencies all around the world.
Newspapers like Herald Sun, The Guardian,
Book covers,
Business advertisement purposes even for airlanes like British Airways and KLM.
Also the Australian Government & The Victorian Building Authority
More than 1200 properties for Airbnb and Anna’s photos where chosen as best practice/style guide examples for international photographer training.
Short Stay Rental photography for:
Boutique Stays,Host Keep,
Urban Minder,
Stay Central,
Canva Suites,
Mister Melb Concierge
Cocktail Boutique
Rocks Brewing
Temple Brewing
Funky Little Pumpkin
Bliss Early Learning Sandringham
Official photographer for the Polish President’s wife visit in Melbourne
Event photography including Festivals with around 50.000 people in Melbourne
Worked for tv and radio presenters
Products & business photography